





集中区域, 联合浓度, 二次场

关于 the 心理学 集中区域

Our faculty and students study people and other animals (otters, 海豚, 狗, 海牛,+) using a variety of approaches such as neuroimaging, 面试, 调查, 实验干预, 测量生理, volunteering in our Child Care Center, 分析视频, 语言, and acoustic data– and more! By using these great tools we teach students how to design research and think creatively to answer intriguing questions about behavior and the natural world.

We also have partnerships within the college (e.g., our Biopsychology 和神经科学 programs) and outside the college (e.g., the Chicago Zoological Society’s 萨拉索塔 Dolphin Research Program, 主教博物馆, the Lemur Conservation 基金会, and others) to expand their learning options. Our students go on to a variety of great futures as social and mental health advocates, 医生, 律师, 兽医, researcher-scientists who earn their PhDs (alumnae/i write to tell us it’s usually “too easy” their first year), 实验室技术, 临床专业, 动物园和水族馆的专业人士, 电子游戏作家, 喜剧演员, Planned Parenthood administrators, 还有更多. They also make friends for life, perhaps because they spend so much time together in our bayside building.

“New College gives you the ability to decide what you want to do for an Independent Study Project on your own. To have a month dedicated to personalized research is not something you will find many places.”

Maya Greenberg on her 心理学-based ISP on lemurs
心理学 and Sociology, Graduate 2020



  • Advanced Statistics for 心理学
  • Advanced Topics in Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Animal Behavior Processes: Goldfish Learning and Cognition
  • The Art of Presenting Psychological Sciences
  • 行为内分泌学
  • 生物心理学
  • 认知心理学
  • 发展心理学
  • Cross Cultural Perspectives in Child Development
  • Development 心理学 Laboratory: Analyzing Conversation
  • fNIRS神经成像
  • 印象管理
  • Introduction to Animal Well Being
  • Introductory 心理学 Seminar: The Embodied Mind
  • Introductory 心理学 Seminar: Social Cognition
  • Introductory 心理学 Seminar: Social Influence
  • Laboratory in Comparative Brain Connectivity
  • Neuroscience of Sport and Exercise
  • 人格心理学
  • 积极心理学
  • 善恶心理学
  • 宗教心理学
  • Research Methods in 心理学
  • 社会心理学




  • Serial Position Learning in Honeybees
  • Synchrony Between a Mother-Calf Pair of Bottlenose Dolphins (语truncatus) Rhythm Discrimination in the Bottlenose Dolphin
  • Academic Satisfaction in College Students and Relatedness to Instructors, Parents, and Peers
  • Holding one’s own: The neural correlates of embodiment integrity in the face of multimodal mismatch
  • Motivation and physical activity across the menstrual cycle
  • An Illustrated Guide to (some of) the Neuroscience of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • The Perception of Value: Affect, Physiology, and the Role of Reenactment
  • The effectiveness of emotional support animals at alleviating symptoms of depression and anxiety in college students living on a residential campus
  • Emotional regulation and gender: Physiological and psychological responses to emotionally power music.
  • Premenstrual symptoms and the roles of emotion regulation, body awareness, and cortisol reactivity.
  • Adverse childhood experiences and the neuroimaging correlates of executive functioning: An fNIRS study.








Dr. 米歇尔·巴顿

Associate Professor of 心理学


Professor Emeritus of 心理学


Dr. 凯萨琳Casto

Assistant Professor of 心理学


Associate Professor of 心理学

Dr. 凯瑟琳·科特雷尔

Associate Professor of 心理学

Dr. 史蒂文·格雷厄姆

Associate Professor of 心理学


Professor of 心理学/ Peg Scripps Buzzelli Chair

Director Environmental Studies Program


Professor Emeritus of 心理学
